Cooking level:
5 new potatoes, 2 plaice fillets (skinned by fishmonger at supermarket), 2 slices of parma ham, 1 large onion, 8 fresh basil leaves, couple of cloves of garlic, 14 cherry tomatoes, 8 slices of Chorizo sausage, heinz tomato ketchup, smoked paprika (you can get this from the herb aisle), 24 green beans (fine ones the fresher the better), Splash of red wine.
Kitchen equipment you need:
- Baking Tray
- Frying pan
- 2 Saucepans
- Skewer
Halve the cherry tomatoes, dice the onion into tiny pieces, crush and dice the garlic and slice the chorizo sausage into thin strips. Pre-heat oven to 180C.
Place a pan of water onto boil and cook the new potatoes ( about 15mins). Gently fry the onion and the garlic until softened. Remove half of the onion and garlic mix and place in a bowl for later. Lay 1 of your palma ham slices onto a chopping board and lay the plaice fillet on top of that. Now take 4 fresh basil leaves and rip them on top of the plaice. Mix the chorizo and the onion and garlic mix in the bowl you left aside. Place half of this mix into the centre of plaice. Roll the palma ham to create a big fat cigar with all the onion, basil and plaice inside with the join being at the bottom facing the chopping board. Stick a skewer through to hold everything in place. Repeat the process to create another parcel.
Almost there:
Lightly oil the baking tray and place your parcels in the centre and bake for 15-20 mins. Put another pan of water on to boil for your green beans. The potaotes should be done by now. With the onion and garlic mix left in the frying pan add the cherry tomatoes, a teaspoon of smoked paprika and cook until soft. Add a splash of red wine and a squeeze of Heinz tomato ketchup. Adjust your seasoning to suit.
Take the parcels out of the oven when cooked, half the new potatoes(mind your fingers, their hot). Spoon a generous amount of tomato onto the centre of your plate and arrange the potatoes around the outer edge of the sauce. Gently place your parcels on top of the sauce. Drain of any excess water of your green beans and place these between each of your potato halves. Enjoy!